
Open Design Optimization Platform (ODOP) - Coil spring design app; mechanical springs; compression spring, extension spring, torsion spring

View the Project on GitHub thegrumpys/odop

Procedures for creating a new JAWSDB

Background on JAWSDB

Note: JAWSDB is administered from the Heroku account.
Once logged in to Heroku select "odop"
Select 'Configure Add-ons'
In the add-on entry field enter 'j' (first letter of jaws), then selected JAWSDB MySQL
On the pop-up, press the "Provision" button

. . .

Edit your local .env file and add a new entry for JAWSDB_xxxx_URL
See Heroku Dashboard Resources tab for JAWS DB:
Old Production is prntcdsszgqddxh8; New Production is vsm51n2ipc6nvcy6; staging is d9bw76r236auqu3s, test is cmyr2m3s55btzgvr, and local/development is s6v0edrsu4v1u49m.

Previously: Old Production has no color; staging is AMBER, test is TEAL, and local/development is CYAN.

Easier to read summary:

Role Old New DB name
New Production   CUBED vsm51n2ipc6nvcy6
Old Production no color CONVEX prntcdsszgqddxh8
Staging AMBER ROUND d9bw76r236auqu3s
Test TEAL OPAQUE cmyr2m3s55btzgvr
Development CYAN GRACEFUL s6v0edrsu4v1u49m

Caution: The DB username and password are contained in the connection string.
Note ".env" appears in .gitignore, editing .env will only modify the local version of the file.

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Run odop/data/create.sql to create the two tables: design and usage_log.
Those tables will then exist but be empty.

. . .

As appropriate (see reference to load_all.sh in Release procedure), run the (five?) load.sql files to populate designs for the (five?) design types.